Well Shortage

Have you noticed that no children have fallen down wells recently. I mean it hasn't been on TV, and TV loves that kind of crap. Remember when lovable rascal Bart Simpson fell down that well and got rescued by Sting? That was awesome. Also sidenote: Sting, come for me anytime!
So back to this well thing - I'm fairly certain there isn't a shortage of careless parents or stupid kids so that must mean only one thing : a well shortage! I would ask all of my readers to help me dig a well in Mesa (where the kids seem the stupidest, (remember how that one kid got buried in a pile of dirt and none of the other kids ran to tell a grown-up and that kid died. Now do you think these kids are cognicent enough to be left unsupervised. I guarentee as you read this they are running around Mesa like hellions,) but most of my digging knowledge comes from Team Rocket of Pokemon and I have to say the holes they dug only worked like 12 out of 400 times. Now I am not good at math but those odds suck.
I guess I can just keep my fingers crossed that some ignorants in Texas leave the cover off some abandoned oil well and let their kids bound unsupervised in that general direction.
P.S. I stole this photo
I feel terrible for laughing at the kid who died
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