Friends make such wonderful adversaries - Maximillion Pegasus

It’s no secret that I think Yu-Gi-Oh is the best, most intellectual, compelling, exciting, inspiring show that has ever been on TV. That being said I pulled just a couple of cute quotes. My favorites are the ones where they make fun of their own show (there are a few.) If you’ve seen even an episode, skip down to the last one, that has to make you laugh!
Seto Kaiba: It's the latest state-of-the-art system that recreates the virtual dueling arena setting anywhere.
Joey Wheeler: Looks like a regular old briefcase to me.
Seto Kaiba: It's in the briefcase, you moron.
Seto Kaiba: Hmm. Blah-blah-blah. Don't you get tired of making the same speech every time you're faced with a challenge? Stop saving the world and get a hobby!
Noah: [over an intercom on the train Seto's riding] May I have your attention, please. All passengers who have stolen family empires from their rightful owners, prepare to exit at the next stop.
Joey Wheeler: This dream just gets weirder and weirder. It's almost as nuts as that nightmare I had about the monkey and that bowl of vanilla pudding.
Yugi Moto: Just once I'd like to duel in a tournament for the thrill of it and not have to worry about who's trying to take over the world!
Seto Kaiba [On seeing Yugi’s friends gathered]: What is this Dorkfest?
Joey Wheeler: [after beating Dartz] Well guys, let's go home! There's probably some new evil psycho waiting for us back there!
Tristan Taylor: That sad thing is, he's probably right.
Seto Kaiba: [to Ishizu] You made two mistakes. The first was handing Obelisk to me. The second was expecting it back.
Tea Garnder: Let's do it!
Joey Wheeler: Yeah!... what are we doing?
Tristan Taylor: We're being there for Yugi!
Joey Wheeler: Riiiight... by doing what exactly?
Great I didn't know you were going to start things thing back up. Now I have to add you to my bloglines so I know when you update.
I love the Yugi one!
(I've seen most of these grouped together before.)
The last quote brilliantly illustrates the issue with Tea, though...
My favorite is "Dorkfest." I really can't even read that without laughing.
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