You and Me, Mokie

So every time I end up in Best Buy or Gamestop, I always pick up a Yu-Gi-Oh game called “Capsule Monster Coliseum.” There is no description of the game, only that it is multiplayer and for PS2. Now I really don’t like Yu-Gi-Oh games that you have to play on a regular system, I stick exclusively to hand-helds. This for some reason repeatedly caught my interest. A week or so ago I ended up at Blockbuster and saw the game being sold used for $9.99. I immediately wanted it but short on funds declared out loud “who else is going to buy it? It’ll be here next time.” I got paid on Wed and sure enough Friday night I was back at Blockbuster, but this time to my painful dismay, the game had been bought.
Damn. I wanted that game.
Now for the fun part. As it turns out, the original season 1 Yu-Gi-Oh was not just a prequel to the current series, it was a complete retelling of the first season. It was a WHOLE LOT darker. This makes a lot of sense to me. As I think Yu-Gi-Oh the finest television program in existence, I can see how they might have tried and failed before their magnificent world-wide triumph.
So in our season 1, Yugi banishes the dark soul in Kaiba and the whole thing causes Kaiba to lose it and run off. Darling brother Mokuba tries to avenge his big bro with a stolen deck he grabs on the island of Duelist Kingdom. Yugi gives him a first class spanking and we basically assume the kid has no skills. In the original, Seto Kaiba is the champion of Duel Monsters and Mokuba Kaiba is a champion as well – of a little game we like to call CAPSULE MONSTER CHESS!!!! Yes that’s right! He is the master of this game and this is how he challenges Yugi! Now of course we all know my little Mokie still gets his ass handed to him, but in a very different, far more exciting way.
Thank you fate. If I had bought the game the first night and it stank (like I’m pretty sure it will) I would have just tossed it aside. Now I actually have that childlike excitement and will pay full price just to see what kind of game Kazuki Takahashi designed for my little Mokie.
Japanese little brothers rule!!!
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