Judy Cutie

I never thought she was ugly. Everyone used to say "Oh, she's so ugly she's cute." Well I always thought she was cute, and I called her "Judy Cutie" from the first time I picked her up. She was always so enthusiastic. She'd break into a run, fall down and flop around like a fish until she was able to pull herself up again and then she'd go straight back to running. She would wag her tail so hard it would shake her whole little body. I don't remember her ever not liking anyone.
Judy was a real princess. Check out the picture where she is asleep in the middle of Maggy's huge bed, and poor Maggy can just barely get her ass into Judy's bed! Since she was so small, Mommy carried her in her purse for a while. She even went to the Grand Canyon that way! One time I was in the kitchen cooking and all the dogs were in there stalking me and I needed something in a hurry and I barreled around and gave Judy a swift kick. My foot slid under her and lifted her off the ground and punted her a good two feet! I felt SO BAD about it, oh my god! I still feel bad about it. Judy didn't care much though, she was back on her feet and wagging her tail a minute later.
The bottom two pictures are from the final moments of Judy's life. You know if I could choose my end it would be exactly like that. Warm and safe, quietly drifting off to sleep surrounded by the loving voices and touches of all the people in my life that matter most. Being a Mc Ateer is forever Judy, you're never going to lose us and we're never going to lose you. I hope that final sleep is filled with Technicolor dreams. I know you know I love you.
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