I Think She Was . . . ASIAN

Dear lord, isn't there a home for useless people? I am having so much trouble with this damn asian woman who just started working at the Walgreens near my house. She works in the Pharmacy department and is utterly useless! I first encountered her the other day when I tried to call in my new insurance information. I have had 4 different insurances since I started using Walgreens and I know they can update the info by phone. She told me in very broken English "you have to bring in the card." I said "I don't have the card yet but I am covered as of Nov. 1st." She said "I have to see the card because there are many ways of putting in the information." I said "I have a group number and an ID number, I'm sure there is someway to enter those without the card being present." She then started to scream in that way that only Asian women can. Finally I said "Thank you" and hung up.
Today, I can't wait any longer for my medicine and since I've had insurance for 9 days, I really shouldn't have to. I call and who answers...well I need 4 prescriptions, we get to the second one and she's already screaming "I can't fill that!" She doesn't tell my why she justs puts me on hold. Many, many minutes later she comes back and says "Someone else needs to fill that," then hangs up on me.
Why do you keep going to that Walgreens?
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