Poison Sucks!!!

No, I would never denounce the awesome hair band from the 80’s, when I’m taking poison, I mean the real deal. In this case, we’re talking food poisoning. Now there are some times in your life when you can look back at something you’ve done and be like “Oh my God I am so stupid!” This is one of those times. I am new to eating fish - after being a hardcore vegetarian for 8 years I decided to add fish back in my diet thanks to my favorite Iron Chef. Well I tried sushi and let me tell you it is fantastic! I was really surprised at how much I loved it and really craved it. You know what else surprised me? How much it cost! Holy crap sushi is very, very expensive. What’s a girl to do? Well I found out that Trader Joe’s sells their own sushi and get this, it is roughly 1/6 the price of RA. Wow what a deal, discount sushi? Sounds delicious! Now I am sure that RA is overpriced, but I am also sure they deliver a quality product. As for Trader Joe’s…It started with dizzy spells (which led to panic because I couldn’t and at the time this was written still can’t find my phone.) I decided sleep was the best thing to do. I should have known that I was poisoned because my dreams were so vivid and colorful. When I awoke it was 4am and I was in pain! I swear, my organs were twisting and moving around. Now since I already have one foot in the grave, my parents were pretty adamant that I go to the hospital. My poor mother even threw up over the whole ordeal. I managed to avoid the hospital pointing out that my doctor knew me better and could probably help easier then strangers. In his usual, relaxed joking manner Dr. Johnson was like “Well, at least you didn’t pay a lot for this illness. How bad would it have been if you went to Zen 32? (expensive sushi bar.)” We laughed, talked about how it felt like there were a couple of moles trapped inside me and they were alternately crawling around my guts and then burrowing in a spot they liked. Let me tell you folks, food poisoning is definitely the weirdest feeling disease and I have a really mild case. Will it stop me from eating sushi? No way, that shit is too good!
I've never had a problem with the sushi from Safeway. That's where I learned to make it too. I would sit and watch the woman making it and asked her questions along the way. Go to Safeway.
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