Mokuba is Kidnapped Part II

You know, I realized something. When you think you are going to die, who you are as a person changes. Your philosophies change, your values completely change and hopefully you can make peace before you die. Mokuba has sat there in a cell racing through these concepts. I think maybe one of the reasons he is such an amazing character is because he gets kidnapped all the time, and he constantly needs to make peace with himself and his choices. He needs to live a life with no regrets. I bet he does too. He puts his heart and his all into everything he does, so even if he fails he can have no regrets because he knows inside that he gave it all he had. Live, my Mokie. Live free, try hard, fail, then try again. Give it all you’ve got and keep racing forward, and regret will never trip you up. Don’t let regret be that albatross around your neck that keeps you from breathing, stops you from achieving. Regret, the one weight in your chest that keeps you from loving your life, that keeps you from loving yourself. When you constantly look back at the choices you made, those moments, when you could have been, should have been, I don’t know - better. The moments when you failed yourself. Regret holds you back and it holds you down. That is not your path Mokie. Even when you are captured you are free.
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