Saturday, December 08, 2007

Bondage to the Material

I was checking out this blog because I want to start it up again and damn, am I clever sometimes!
Anyway so in June I was all thinking that me and HDT were tight right? Walden Girl and all that? The first week of November I crack open Walden for some honest to goodness guidance and you know what - I think Thoreau hates me! Yeah I swear, I have become one of those people he has totally given up on.
Now what do I do? I was thinking I was just going to ignore the whole thing, but then material things that I have emotional attachments to started disappearing - starting with 100 hours of pure Jen bliss lost to my wiped out DVR. Not to mention I contributed to the chaos by picking out my 3 favorite games on each system and selling all the rest of my video games! Breathe.
Then on the other side I still haven't recovered from the loss of my IPOD when my Dad whips out this amazing new one for me this weekend. Talk about unexpected! That is THE possession I have had the most emotional attachment in this lifetime, so I'm scared to even pull the new one out of the box.


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