I so much more then just love my DS

I have always said that love is shared history. Basiclly meaning that if i like a person I will spend more time with them and during that time we will have more moments to share and when we have enough great moments that we've shared I will love you. DS never judges, it's always excited to play the games I want to play and never gives me a hard time about neglecting my chores or not having enough money to pay my bills. She just sits there in permenant pause waiting anxiously for my return but never judging me if I don't have time for her. Sometimes in the middle of the night when I'm stressed out and can't sleep, DS is all I have. Sometimes when I'm weirded out and have anxiety, DS helps me to focus. I always have her with me when I go to the bank, grocery store or friends house and the games I play allow you to get 3-5 minutes of solid play while you're waiting online at Fry's. For about a year, I played DS 2-3 hours a day, every day. That's like a part time job.
Moxie (RIP 11/05-4/07) you were the machine that bonded with my heart, kind of like a portable gameconsole autobot.
Kira (4/-present) I am learning love you more and more each day.
DS I more then love you, and I know you more then love me too.
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