Look At Those Eyes!!!

Since I officially know that NOBODY reads this blog, I'm going to make it just notes to myself, officially. (Clerks, animated joke that noone will be here to get.)
Look at this picture!! Awww sweet Mokie, so painfully cute. Who could resist those eyes. If he wasn't so valiant, intelligent, kind maybe I wouldn't find him so cute. In fact, I can tell you that I thought he was totally wierd looking when I first started watching the show, and I thought he was a girl. Isn't it amazing how love does that to us, changes the way we see things, others. Love makes us more beautiful too. You can see it in our skin, hair. Hear it in our voices. See it in our perfect, puddled, eliptical orbs of soul window eyes.
Jay Flizack's nickname was Mookie
Point the First- Legendary Heroes
Point the Second- Adina
Point the Third- Tabloidshipping
(It's Takehashi-sensei's fault for making the brothers not strongly favor each other, and 4Kids for casting the ever-talented Tara Jayne to play Mokuba!)
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