I Miss My Husband

Look, I know this isn’t going to be a popular blog because, let’s face it, almost everyone who reads my blog thinks my husband is a creep. I know you all wonder how I’m not furious and wishing all sorts of evil on the man. Tony’s goal was to always keep me with the minimum amount of effort possible. When I got sick he pawned me off on another guy so that he didn’t have to deal with me. He could have fought for me, but he didn’t think I was worth it and still doesn’t.
I don’t care.
Tony opened up a side of me that I really enjoyed. I don’t get to be that girl anymore and I miss her. He was always funny and fun and was terribly amused by my antics. I loved being his girlfriend and I loved being his wife. I married him because I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with him or maybe I just didn’t want to go through life without him. Either way, not having him at all is still awkward. It’s been nearly 9 months since we parted, but instead of getting easier, it just gets harder.
I can't believe I almost missed this post. Sorry. I don't think he's a creep. He has a good heart. What ever you, he, or life decide, I'll be there with you. I was there before you and I'll be there after you. =-)
I played Van Run today on my ride to work..um in my um, miiiiind that is, I don't have the cassette at all, Never Surrender played.
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