Residual RENT Effect

Everyone is depressed lately. On Joe’s blog that was referred to as the “residual RENT effect.” Funny, I only went to see RENT this weekend because I was already depressed. I wanted to take Tony to see the musical on Broadway, but would never go because I had this dream he interrupted it and everybody was pissed. Now I realize my own stupidity. Who cares if everybody gets pissed? In fact, make them pissed. It’s not about them, only you, right? Only this? I mean I bet the characters in RENT fucked a lot of shit up and didn’t give a shit about it. I live my life like I’m Dante when secretly I wish I was Randall. Fuck all that, fuck everybody and fuck myself the most. No wonder I’m depressed when my whole life is a dance around the truths and a desperate attempt not to upset people. People even tell me they don’t like my blog. Fuck everybody who doesn’t like my bog, it’s my goddamn diary people, not fucking Fox 5. No Day But Today? – well thank God because if I had to worry about tomorrow too I think I would lose it. Residual RENT effect my friends.
i'm beginning to think this vail thing that usually should happen in October really just happens in November.
I didn't even see Rent, and I've been bummed out too. I think what's getting to me is that my time is not mine, it's everyone else's. Then when I do have some free time, what do I do?? I go to a store or the mall, and try to quell my depression by buying a bunch of crap I don't need. Then I get the added pleasure of stressing about money, and worrying about my credit cards. It's a never ending cycle.
Sorry to hear you are depressed. I agree with your "to hell with everyone else" attitude. You owe it to yourself not to give a damn!
Love, Senor Del Campo
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